Friday, March 16, 2012

Life As I Know It (2)

For some reason I only think to write on my blog in the worst of times for the most part. Often it is to write about things in hope that someone will read them, but at the same time not everyone will read them like they would if I post them on facebook or twitter or basically anywhere else. It is out there for anyone to read and yet few people will come across what I have to say. It is a chance to impact a few, whether positively or negatively, and that sometimes makes me wonder how I come across to people who don’t know me.

Nothing has changed since the last time I wrote. If anything, things have only gotten worse. It is like: at the times when you most want to feel wanted, even just by the first person you come across, you are rejected. Not necessarily even in an intentionally hurtful way. We are always hit when we are weakest, intended to be knocked down. Intended to be demolished and broken by the Devil. But that is one of the reasons why God is here. He is our strength when we are weak (always). He is our hope when we are hopeless (always). He is our guide when we are pathless (always). He is our courage when we are fearful (always). He is our comforter when we feel alone. But most importantly He is our savior. Because we will fall. We will fail. We will be afraid. We will feel alone. We will feel powerless, heartless, and hopeless. We are bound to all of these things, which is why it is so important that God became our Savior. He saved us from these things. Only in Him can we escape these things. God is more than just significant; He is everything.

And that is why I know, even in these worst of times, that God is my Savior, and so it will be ok.

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