Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Christmas Time

I have not posted in a while…. so I decided I need to :) The only problem is I do not know exactly what to write about. I suppose I’ll write about a bunch of different things.

SAM_1222My Amazing Boyfriend and Me :)SAM_1220SAM_1190     First I’ll talk about basketball. Basketball season has started, and it is pretty cool. I like to play basketball, but I have not really played in so long that I could definitely be a lot better in areas like….. well….. everything :P We had our first games last weekend, and the first one went pretty well. I think it ended with a final score of 24-11, we didn't win, but did pretty great based on the amount of practice we have had. The second game…… well that was just beyond embarrassing :P We scored zero points the entire game and the other team had I think somewhere in the 20’s. At one point one of the girls on their team smacked me. At this point I felt like knocking her to the ground, but instead I just ran into her so she would not get a foul :P Soon after that was when the cheerleaders came out, and I have nothing against cheerleaders….. except for the ones that just repeat themselves a gazillion times and do not do anything more impressive that jump :P So yeah, basically I was annoyed times a million. Oh well, it made it better that the guys team won both of their games, and the first game they played they pretty much massacred the other team.

Now for an “interesting” topic, how often I get sick. I think I have been sick a gazillion times this school year missing a total of I think 2 weeks of school from being sick. Two weeks ago on Friday I went to the doctor because the throat was in severe pain. He told me I had a really bad throat infection, and that I was not allowed to go back to school until the following Wednesday. This was…. craziness. It hurt my throat when I breathed, coughed, swallowed, yeah…. pretty much did anything :P I was relieved when I got medicine from the doctor though, because we went on Friday and it had been hurting since Wednesday. It was beginning to get unbearable.

SAM_1073SAM_1068 SAM_1078SAM_1088 On a happier note, CHRISTMAS!!!! yay!~ I’m dreaming of a whiiiiiiiiiite Christmaaaaaaaaaas! Snow! Snow! Snow! It snowed to Sunday and Monday night, like a lot!! I really thought we’d get a snow day. Sadly enough they did not cancel school on Monday. And even more sadly, after it snowed hard on Monday night, Tuesday morning it rained, washing away a large percentage of the snow on the ground :( It was too sad, and not it isn’t even as cold as it was; it is no longer below 0 degrees!! :( Oh well. But Christmas, it is coming soon!! Only 10 days left until Christmas Day!~ Excitement!~ xD But yeah, I love Christmas time. I love our decorations, Christmas Spirit, the warm feeling of being inside when it is cold spending time with your family, and most of all I love the celebration of MY Savior’s birth!! Glory to the newborn King :) This Christmas Season I feel overly blessed with gifts, mostly not tangible, but that makes them all the better :) Thank you Lord for this time of year, and thank you for the birth of your Son Jesus Christ, my Savior <3



  1. Hey Kalista,
    Good to read about what's going on in your life! I'm sorry you've been sick:(... sore throats are the WORST. And how cool that it's snowing... not so here in LA, but I would love to see snow sometime, hehe. Merry Christmas!

  2. I find it weird that your two best-friends-in-the-whole-wide-world are both Koreans :-)

  3. thanks Christine :) yeah, we just got some more snow pretty recently, but in all there really hasn't been much this winter. And Grace, I know!! I noticed that a while ago, but I guess Korean ppls are just really cool ;)
