Tuesday, May 11, 2010


Trust is such a difficult thing. I daily struggle with trusting God, which often leads to mis-trusting others.
Not too long ago my grandad, (we call him Poppy), got in a serious car accident. When I first heard about it I was more scared than anything else. I have never lost a family memeber before, and I certainly was not ready to now. I prayed repeatedly, and I instantly started asking others for prayer, and in the days that followed. My first reaction was to panic, and I knew that I needed to pray. But, I still felt scared, taking my fears to God, but I still had a lack of trust. Not too long after I heard the bad news, I found out that he was going to be ok, even though he was seriously injured. He was driving a big truck in the accident, and a picture appeared in the news. The day after, my mom showed me the picture of his truck. The whole passenger compartment in the front looked completely crushed, and I really did not know how anyone could have survived it. It was surely a miracle from God. I found out he did have many injuries, many teeth knocked out, teeth jammed in his lip, a fractured bone in the knee area, and one of the bones in his vertebrate was broken. Also, we found of that the engine of the truck had fallen back into the passenger seat beside him. If it would have fallen on him it would have killed him.
God really does do miracles, even minor ones in our lives that we tend to ignore.
That has been a lesson of trust for me, that God can do miracles.
Also, I have been having trouble trusting God about my future for what seems like forever now. It's always up and down, thinking I know what God has planned for me, and then going right back into confusion. I am really scared of my future, and I think that is why I am having trust issues with God, yet God has proven to come through so many times, I just do not understand why I am not completely trusting God. It sounds like I should just trust God then, no problemo, ya know?? Well is is certainly not the case. Prayers appriciated. I need to trust God that he'll have me where he needs me. I'm thinking, hoping, and praying that this place God needs me for next year is Turkey. After all, I just got some very exciting news that Sevda is comming back next year!! :) Could this be why God has brought me to Turkey? So many questions with what seems like so little answers. Obviously that is not why God has brought me to Turkey if we must leave this summer. This is what scares me. I do not know exactly why God has brought me here, and placed me in the class that I am in. For a time it may have seemed like Kamelya was my purpose, and for the longest time I felt like a huge purpose in my life was to bring Kamelya to faith. As we can all see, that obviously was not God's plan, especially for that point in time. People mess up all the time, it may have been my mistake, it may have been hers. But one thing I know for sure is that God has a plan, and his purpose will be done. He is a miracle-worker. God has a plan for me, and I know I trust him with that. So from there I just need to grow closer to God. God has given me sooooo much. A great family, amazing friends :), and all types of important people in my life. And I think I have learned something from just about all of them.


  1. So love you Kalista.... I sometimes struggle with trust too... One thing God has helped me with is really believing and receiving his Amazing Love for me and remembering God is faithful... And He will do it.

    P.S. I praise God for your Poppy (AKA Papa B) and for Him taking care of him. Hooray! Lord willing I will get to see you this summer.

  2. Thanks for your help, encouragement, and kind words Melissa. They are much appriciated :)

  3. Don't worry Kalista; I'm praying. It's weird because these days when I pray you're the first thing that comes to my mind. God will provide!
    P.S. Good luck with tomorrow's performance!
