Saturday, February 20, 2010

Valentines Day

I know it is a lot later than February 14th at this point, but I have not been on my blog in a while, so I am going to write a little about my Valetines Day :)
I had the best Valentines Day of my life this year. I had soooooo much fun snowboarding with Luke, Meghan, Josh, Noah, Konnar, and my Dad. And of course Mr.Bruton was skiing, but sorry Mr.Bruton, that is not quite as awesome as snowboarding. My mom and Mrs.Bruton sat inside watching us, and I'm sure they were chatting ;) but I do think Mrs.Bruton went skiing a little at the beginning of the day.
At the beginning of the day, when we were all getting our snowboards on, Josh said he did not want to go first because he didn't want to crash first. So he waited for Konnar to go, and he figured if Konnar went first he would not be the first one to crash. So Konnar went, and Josh waited a little bit so that he could go. it was so funny, because literally 5 seconds after he got up, he fell right back down!! :) He ended up being the first one to fall after all :)
Another time I was 'boarding down with Luke, and my dad was on the lift. He passed by and shouted "Kalista! Luke! Don't fall!" It was hilarious, because I knew I was going to fall, and then right after I fell Luke fell too! It was too funny, if that would have been on video we so could have won America's Funniest Home Videos :D
A lot of funny things happened. In all, it was a very fun day, and I learned how to turn on my toes!!! Although, I am sure to those of you that are non-snowboarders, that remark makes little to no sense. On the way home Noah wanted to ride with Konnar, so I road home in the Bruton's car. Josh was falling asleep, and he has his shoes off with his legs streched across the whole car. His feet were leaning diagonally on the seat that Mrs.Bruton was sitting in. Luke and I were laughing because if Mrs.Bruton would have turned around she would have had Josh's feet right in her face. If that actually did happen I would feel very sorry for her, because I would not exactly say Josh has the sweetest smelling feet :P :) We also watched the Wizard of Oz in the car. And Luke gave me some Starburst for Valentines Day :) He also gave me a bag of trash :) lol, but that was a joke :D
I was so tired after that day, but it was worth it :) So much fun!! An unforgetable Valentines Day :)