The Best News I've Had..... Since Like Last Time :)
So I just have had the most amazing thing happen to me like ever :) I just want all you peoples of the world to know that once again I happen to be dating the most amazing guy ever :) So yeah, you know that guy? Luke? Well.... he's mine :D
I'm undoubtably a TCK. That means a Third Culture Kid for those of you who didn't know. I was born in America, grew up in England, and lived most of my memorable life in Turkey. What can I say, I honestly have no idea how to answer the question 'Where are you from?' I love love love love living in Turkey despite the times when it is definitely hard. I like to travel and visit new places. I like experiencing new cultures and languages. I am proud to say that I have the best family and friends in the world. I wouldn't ever ask for a different life. God has given me an immeasurable amount of blessings.
I just realized you put like ten posts since i last saw ur blog, and this post made me laugh :) happy for you chica <3