Thursday, June 9, 2011

Nearing Summer...

Exams: only two more days left of them. Hopefully they won’t be too hard, but only two more days and the school work for the school year is officially oooooooooooooooover!!!!! :D

It is almost summer, which I both eagerly await and wish would never come.... Summer, the time of year when there is "abundant sleep" and "no hard school work" to deal with, and also the anticipation of getting to see family members that are greatly missed. Summer, also the time when school ends and where you travel and generally do not see any friends, and sometimes is the last time you ever see some friends. I am not at all looking forward to that part of the summer. I am rather scared that this end of the school year will turn out much like it was two years ago. I am just hoping and praying, and that I will be able to accept whatever God does, because He has a plan. And I am praying that I and everyone else affected by it will be able to cope with His plan, because in the end He does know what is best.

On a positive note, I am very much eagerly awaiting summer because I simply love the last two half-days of school (basically you come to school to socialize with all of your friends). And also, in just a little more than a week I will be in Antalya for Olive Grove!! And let me just say, I love camp :) This will be my sixth time going to Olive Grove, which is crazy to think about. I cannot wait to hang with my camp friends and well as some friends from home here in Ankara :) Also, at least I’ll be doing something active at camp, because every since the play ended, I’ve been feeling awfully lazy *sigh*.

Speaking of the play, Oasis’s Production of ‘Cheaper by the Dozen’ was a success!!!!!! All the performances went rather well with only very minimal mistakes, and people seemed to enjoy it :) I suppose you guys might want to see some pictures??? :) Well I'll post them soon, very soon ;)

So my first plans of course for the summer are spending two weeks in Antalya, Turkey at Olive Grove!! Then we come back to Ankara and spend about two weeks here just chilling. After all, since it will be the middle of July I do not think anyone will really be around to hang out with *sigh*. After that we are off to the US, and possibly going to some country in Europe for a couple days on the way there. Our first week in the US will be spent at the shore with my mom’s side of the family for a week. We’ll be somewhere in New Jersey…. but I cannot wait to see everyone, especially to see my little cousins!! They are getting so big its unbelievable. Skylar, I remember when she was born and I think she’s almost 7 or 8 now!! :O And Krew-buddy, he’s getting so big and tall!! And little Lina Love!! I feel like she was just born!! But she’s the cutest two year old I know :) So big now. The following week we’ll be traveling down to Deep Creek Lake, Maryland to spend a week with my dad’s side of the family!! We did this two years ago and it was so much fun, so it is much anticipated :) Katrina!! Can’t wait to see you and hang :) Then right after that I am going to a Christian camp in Dallas, Pennsylvania for two weeks called Camp Orchard Hill. I am attending a leadership training program there, and I really am looking forward to it :) This will actually be the first time that I will be exposed to genuine American teenagers that aren’t my cousins, so it’ll be interesting to see what it’s like. And I know Mr.Meyer is psyched cause he says I have to call him JJ at camp, lol :D After COH I will be spending about another week in the US to spend time with family and do all the fun stuff like doctor’s and dentist’s appointments :P And then we will be heading back to Ankara a day before school starts again!! Sounds fun, right?? ;) Oh yes, I forgot to mention, on top of all this craziness, I will be taking an online British Literature class over the course of the summer. This will allow me to possibly graduate at the end of next school year if I want to. This is because we do not know exactly how much longer we will be living here, and I really would love to graduate from Oasis, because I love this school to death. I practically live there during the school year after all. And I’ve been attending since 5th grade, one of the “old timers” here, so I’ve grown pretty attached. But at the same time, I’m not so sure that I want to graduate a year ahead of my class, and two years ahead of people my age. I don’t know, we’ll see what God has in store for me.

I’ll conclude by saying that there are people in this world that mean the world to me. Certain people that I know that I will stay in contact with for the rest of my life because of what they mean to me. I thank God for these people every day. And I know that know matter how close or far apart in the world we are, that friendship reaches over any distance (and thank God for facebook!! ;)).

Also, you guys should check out my website that I’ve been making pretty much since the beginning of 2011. Hope you guys like it, and I’m trying to make as many improvements as I can as quickly as I can:

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