Friday, September 10, 2010

The Joys of Life

So I have kind of been ill this past week or so, so I have had a lot of time to just think and do nothing else. For busy people like me who do not get much time to do this, I would actually recommend getting sick just to have thinking time, because if you are truly busy then there is really no other way for thinking time to happen :P True story, lol :)

So basically my mind has been racing about two different things:

1) Joy (specifically related to God)


2) Soccer

Ok, so after that second one anyone reading this is gonna think I’m half crazy to actually spend my valuable time giving a lot of thought into the subject of soccer. But then again, I guess it could be the same for the first thing, depending on who you are and what your personal beliefs are. So basically I am not bothered how you judge be based on what I spend my time thinking about :P :)

So I’ll start off with my first topic. Joy is a very interesting thing. I have observed that teenagers in particular are very specific in what they find joy in. For the majority of all teenagers they either find joy in many, many little and big things, or they find joy in barely anything. I have also observed that adults are not the same as teenagers when it comes to finding joy in things. Of course I am being very stereotypical here; however, in general, adults to not find joy in as many things as that joy filled teenager, but they also find more joy than the teenager that finds joy in practically nothing. I think this is because adults have lived a longer life and had more experiences than teenagers in general. And also, new thing are often the things that bring us the most joy. I may be sounding very confusing, but this is a confusing topic which is why I have spent so much time thinking about it in the first place.

So basically everyone has at least one joy in their life that they literally could not live without. After a lot of though, I have come to realize that God is the number one joy in my life, and I definitely could not live without Him. I mean I do have many other joys in my life, like my cat Mutlu, my books, soccer, running, other sports, music, writing, my amazing best friend :) and my pretty cool boyfriend :) and lots of other things. But honestly I would not have a single one of those things if it were not for God. I mean I may still have them, but either they would be different or for different reasons, and it would not be the same joy. And it makes me so happy that no matter what my situation is, I can find joy in God :)

So my second topic, soccer :D So basically I have been totally psyched about soccer recently. Soccer season is not until spring, but I am so anxious to play soccer, plus I get to play soccer on the AYSL league at the base in about a month, but sadly it might be my last season on the AYSL league cuz I’m getting to old xP But either way I totally cannot wait to play soccer!!! :D The only things I am really worried about are: who are goalie is going to be, and also I am more anxious about who is gonna take Nani’s place as striker, cuz she is awesome but it totally stinks that she’s not going to OIS this year :( We need someone with good aim and that is super fast……. I can’t think of anyone :P Oh well, it’ll all work out and I totally cannot wait to play GCM & IGA this year and hopefully win at least a few games!! :D


  1. I like your blog background; it blinds my eyes everytime I look at your blog :D Very glad God is your greastest joy. Not many of us can say that, and you can help me :-)

  2. lol :) well my goal is not to blind u ;) but yeah, its pretty cool :)
