Thursday, October 29, 2009


Isn't is amazing how blessed we feel at times? Isn't it amazing how sometimes we feel those blessings are quickly taken away? We loose family and friends, those close to us. It's sad really, especially if we don't know where they are going. I've never lost anyone close to me, but there are some people that I worry about loosing every day. I am so happy to have many family and friends that are close to God, but many aren't :\ This fact sometimes bothers me. But I am so happy that I know Jesus, I honestly do not know how people can survive without Him. I mean, what is the purpose of life without His love? Nothing, and although we always have His love, not all of us know it.
-2 Chronicles 16:9
And it is so hard to unconditionally love people sometimes. Sin is powerful, and I do not know how people can handle anything without God. But that is why it is so important to show God's love to everyone.
-Matthew 5:44-45
And I'm so excited about the Bolu Trip. I'm really happy that I can contribute to somthing that will, with the help of God, someday please God and help His children.
Please Comment.


  1. Don't give up, and I won't give up either :)

  2. thanks Grace, ur a great friend. I dunno what I'd do without ya :)
